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  3. Managing Projects and Folders

Deleting a Project | Deletion Recovery

Maintaining a clean and organised workspace can greatly impact your productivity and create a more pleasant work environment. One effective way to achieve this is by deleting any unnecessary projects.

Delete Project

If you need to delete a project, simply click on the three dots to open the project menu, then select "Delete" and confirm the deletion.

Depending on the plan linked to your workspace, your project will either be permanently deleted or moved to the Trash bin where it can be recovered within 90 days.

Deletion Recovery is available for Pro and Enterprise plans. 

Deletion Recovery

For those on Pro or Enterprise plans, accessing the Trash bin from the sidebar allows you to view previously deleted projects and folders. From here, you have the option to either permanently delete the assets or restore them back to your workspace.


Free Trial and Basic

We regret to inform you that the Free Trial and Basic plans do not offer Deletion Recovery. As a result, all projects and folders will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered