1. Help Center
  2. API
  3. API Pricing and Plans

Plans and Limits

We currently offer a Free Trial, Pay-as-you-go, and Custom plans.

  1. Free Trial:  With the Free Trial, you will be allotted 10,000 characters to try our voices and API services. You can create up to 1 API key at a time. Free Trial has a concurrency limit of 5 and a rate limit of 1000 requests/minute.

  2. Pay as you go: With our pay-as-you-go plan, you can purchase 10,000 credits at $1(minimum purchase amount is $2). To avoid workflow interruptions, you can set up autopay to keep the available characters constant. You can create up to 3 API keys with concurrency and rate limits of 15 and 10,000 requests/ minute, respectively.

  3. Custom Plan: For more extensive character/concurrency/rate limit requirements, you can contact the Sales team for a Custom plan. We offer volume-based discounts for easy scale-up.