Languages and Accents

We are proud to provide an extensive selection of over 120 voices in 20 languages. Additionally, we cater to the various accents and dialects of commonly spoken languages like English, French, and Spanish.

Table of Contents

  1. Languages
  2. Voices and Plans
    1. Basic
    2. Pro / Teams and Enterprise
  3. Accents
  4. Age Groups


Murf currently supports the following 20 languages:

  1. American English
  2. British English
  3. Australian English
  4. French (Multiple Accents Available)
  5. German
  6. Italian
  7. Spanish (Multiple Accents Available)
  8. Russian
  9. Portuguese (Multiple Accents Available)
  10. Danish
  11. Dutch
  12. Arabic
  13. Hindi
  14. Tamil
  15. Chinese (Multiple Accents Available)
  16. Japanese
  17. Korean
  18. Finnish
  19. Romanian
  20. Turkish
  21. Indonesian

Voices and Plans

Murf's text-to-speech voices are split into two categories: Basic and Pro. 


  • These voices can be accessed with all the plans (Basic, Pro and Enterprise)
  • The basic voices consist of only 60 voice actors across 10 languages.

The ten languages are as follows:

  1. English
  2. French
  3. German
  4. Italian
  5. Spanish
  6. Portuguese
  7. Russian
  8. Hindi
  9. Arabic
  10. Tamil

How to identify a Basic Plan voice?

To distinguish a Basic Plan voice, simply look for any voice without the "Pro" tag next to it. You can also use the "Hide Pro Voice" toggle in the voices menu, as shown in the image below, to filter and display only Basic voices.


  • Any voice with a "Pro" tag falls under the Pro voices category.
  • These voices can be accessed only with the Pro and Enterprise plan.  
  • Pro and Enterprise users can access all voices. (i.e. Basic and Pro) 
  • The Pro voices consist of all 130+ voices across 20 languages available on Murf Studio.


At Murf, we recognize the importance of accurately representing each language's unique dialects and accents.

The following languages support multiple text-to-speech accents: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese 

Language Accent
English US and Canada
French France
Spanish Mexico
Portuguese Brazil
Chinese Simplified

Age Group

Murf Studio currently has voices across the following age groups:

Young Adult

 A young adult's voice can be attributed to upbeat, energetic, or enthusiastic voice-overs.


As for middle-aged voices, they tend to have deeper tones and convey a more mature sound.


For those needing child voices, we offer three English (Kids) options, including two female and one male voice.


Language Request

We are always eager to expand our collection of voices and languages based on our customers' needs. Please fill out the form below to request a new language or voice, and we will do our best to accommodate your request. Thank you for helping us improve our service!