Music Import

With Murf Studio, you can easily upload music tracks from your own storage or choose from a range of 8000+ licensed background music tracks included in the library.

Table of contents

Supported Formats

  • MP3


Audio files can be uploaded and imported to the Studio in the following 2 ways:

  • Click on the "+" button in the soundtrack lane of the timeline. This will redirect you to the Add Media window to upload or import audio files. 
  • Soundtracks can also be uploaded or imported under the Add Media section.


  • Select the audio block you want to delete on the bottom timeline, then right-click. You will see a 'delete' option for the selected media.
  • Please note that this action cannot be undone. So make sure that you have selected the correct audio block.


  • Select the audio block from the bottom timeline.
  • Click and drag the sliders from either end of the block to trim the audio file. 
  • Audio files can be trimmed from the left and right-hand sides. 
  • To revert the change, drag the slider in the opposite direction of the trim. 


  • Audio blocks can be dragged and dropped across the timeline.
  • Right-clicking on the block also allows moving the audio one place to the right or left. 

Additional Options

Right-clicking on the image block expands the following additional options:

  • Move Left | Move Right
  • Download: Download the original audio file.
  • Duplicate: Add a duplicate of the audio next to the selected audio block. 
  • Delete: Delete the soundtrack from the timeline. 
  • Replace Audio: 
  • With a longer audio track:
      • By default, the audio is made to fit the original audio length.
    • However, for the new audio to retain its original length or be of more significant duration, kindly extend it using the slider.
  • With a shorter audio track:
    • The duration of the shorter audio is retained and cannot be extended.

Auto Ducking

  • The Auto Ducking feature reduces the volume of the soundtrack/video when the voice plays, depending on the set level.
  • The higher the level, the lesser the volume of the soundtrack.
  • The blue color in the vertical slider indicates the volume when the voiceover is being played, and the orange color indicates the volume of the soundtrack/video when the voiceover isn't.

Special Case

Moving the soundtrack to a timestamp of choice.

By default, the soundtrack is added at the beginning of the timeline. Media blocks in the timeline are always left aligned with one another. This means that there cannot be a gap between two consecutive blocks. Adding an empty soundtrack or silence to the timeline will help in cases where the soundtrack is to be played later in the project.

Here is a step-by-step guide.